ByzGen, blockchain and the Byzantine Generals problem

The Problem

ByzGen, a new blockchain startup founded by ex-Army officers, needed help articulating an abstract and highly complex technology to defence-sector sales prospects.

The Solution

I produced brochure copy designed to help ByzGen win BAE Systems as a customer.


Through several rigorous workshops, I got under the hood of a complicated technology, interrogating the founders‘ goals, personalities and real intended customer base – posing required questions that, in many cases, they had not yet asked themselves.


After work that recommended messaging with a mix of military strategy and mathematical concepts, BAE Systems later signed with ByzGen.

But the upfront input proved even more valuable than the resulting output.

Before the material was finished, ByzGen stated this introspective exercise had helped the company more clearly articulate its highest-level narratives:

“Thank-you. This process has actually helped us develop our own business. Engaging with you guys forces us to look more internally, pose questions, and approach our customer base more effectively.”