Could a yogurt brand hold the key to the future of advertising? Abbey Thomas thinks so.
The Tremor Video DSP chief marketer was talking with Beet.TV, fresh from the stage at this month’s IAB Video Symposium in New York, where she interviewed the food company’s own marketing senior director Eddie Revis.
There, she discussed how Chobani is performing targeted advertising on advanced TV platforms to enhance the messages it delivers to viewers.
"Through our work with @AlphonsoInc & @TremorVideoDSP, we can refine the audience through insights…which allows us to focus on beautiful storytelling and create something amazing that still keeps our specific audiences in mind." – Chobani's Eddie Revis at #IABVideo Symposium pic.twitter.com/dnHTYYBQSg
— Tremor Video DSP (@TremorVideoDSP) May 7, 2018
Thomas later explained the thinking to Beet.TV – and it focuses largely on bridging a divide. Namely, the last few years in the industry have been spent harvesting and using data, now it’s time to start injecting it back in to the creative.
“You have to have amazing data to target audiences, ” she said. “But everybody has a lot of data.
“Where the real creative opportunity comes (is) when you take that data and you use it to reach someone one-to-one – what do you say to that person in that moment? That comes down to creative. You can’t just have data without having exceptional creative, the two have to work together.
“And so often, we see brands coming with just the targeting strategy, not the creative strategy. So to see a brand like Chobani, that is able to take both data and creative to make the most of it and make informed decisions about their audience targeting, I think is the holy grail.”
This video is part of Beet.TV’s coverage of the IAB Video Symposium 2018 presented by Tremor Video DSP. For more videos from the series, please visit this page.