OMD’s Winkler Searches For A Triopoly At Leaner NewFronts

The season in which digital media publishers pitch their upcoming content roster to advertisers is in full-swing – but what do advertisers’ agencies hope to get out of this year’s Digital Content NewFronts?

One agency exec says he is hoping to find a worthy rival to Google and Facebook, and proof that old-line publishers can prove themselves in the new world.

“One thing we’ll be looking for is if more traditional publishers can prove that they deserve to be at the digital table, whether that’s Meredith or Viacom, or ESPN and their first run-in with the NewFronts. Can they deliver a killer digital product?,” says OMD’s Ben Winkler”

“We’ll also be looking to see if Oath can be a legitimate player on the big, big stage. Can they create a triopoly with Google and Facebook? We’ll be looking to see if Twitter, for example, can expand from being a publisher around big events to being a publisher of big events, with their video product. There’s a lot of things to prove out, and we’re going to be listening closely.”

The NewFronts is organized by IAB to allow publishers a space to pitch their content ideas to eager advertisers on Madison Avenue.

Starting avenue, more than 15 such publishers will be presenting – fewer than last year, when some agencies complained at the complexities of meeting that number.

“I think what I’m most excited about is the culling of the NewFronts from, last year, there were 32 partners, to 15 this year, and critically, just one week,” Winkler adds. “Obviously, there’s logistical benefits of that, but more importantly now, everyone out there, to a greater or lesser degree, can credibly say that they deliver great video content at scale.

“That means less running around, less introducing clients to publishers. The publishers can spend less time explaining who they are and more time explaining what they do and how they can benefit our clients and their businesses, which is good for everybody.”

This video is part of a series titled The Road to the Digital Content NewFronts. It is a preview of topics to be explored at IAB’s NewFronts, which begin on April 30. This series is presented by Meredith Corporation. For more videos from the series, please visit this page.