New Data Sources Are Coming: TruOptik, Neustar, Alphonso & 605 Discuss

VIEQUES, PR — Age, gender and demographic just don’t cut it anymore. In the new age of advertising super-powers, marketers want to target consumers with more more granularity and certainty than traditional measurements allow.

Fortunate, then, that a whole new raft of data sources is coming on-stream to help them do that.

In a panel discussion convened by Beet.TV at the Beet Retreat, executives from advertising technology and data vendors got excited about:

  • Audio Content Recognition (ACR)
  • Set-top box data
  • Second-by-second TV viewing data
  • App-level measurement
  • Open-network data

Here is a flavour of what they said…

Alphonso CEO Ashish Chordia:

“In 10 years’ time, there’s no reason to believe that every device in your house runs ACR – we’ll get there.”

Chordia says his technology, running on consumers’ mobile phones amongst other devices, has already helped a mobile studio know for sure whether a consumer is in a movie theater watching its movie.

TruOptik CEO Andre Swanston:

“We marry the app data we get from OTT and connected TV with the open network. You get content viewership data, second-by-second, across half a billion unique IPs in every market in the world. For people coming from desktop and mobile, this is what they’re used to.”

Neustar strategic partners head Ted Prince:

“(We have) a persistent key across household, phone number, address, cookie, mobile ad ID, set-top box, IP address, mobile phone number.

“We try to make sure you, as a marketer, can get to the household you want. You can put your CRM file on there, the segments you want to reach. We have 200m individuals. Set-top box data is about 40 to 45m households.”

605  Group VP Gaurav Shirole:

“We’ve been focused on achieving scale around census-level set-top box data.”

Shirole said there is an opportunity to use data-targeted TV ad technologies first to sample limited precision-targeting, before going all-in with a targeted campaign.

Amid this proliferation of new data sources, it is becoming a more complex media world for marketers. Whilst some vendors may profess to do it all, TruOptik’s Swanston said it is important for brands to piece together multiple specialist vendors.

“There’s nobody in the industry can be a one-stop shop for everything, and there have to be the ability to sync different data together,” he said. “That’s pretty commonplace across the industry – you have to be able to work with different partners.”

The panel was moderated by MediaMath CMO Joanna O’Connell.

This video is part of a series produced at the Beet.TV Executive Retreat in Vieques. The event and series is presented by Videology and 605. For more videos from the series, please visit this page.