How OMD’s Cuthbert Delivers In ‘The Age Of Addressability’

LAS VEGAS — The idea that advertisers can use TV to deliver personalised messaging, tailored for individual consumers, is no longer just an idea – it is here and now, according to one ad agency boss.

“We are in the age of addressability, it’s here,” OMD EMEA chief digital officer Blake Cuthbert tells Beet.TV in this video interview. “That’s at the top of our clients’ agendas.”

So how is OMD helping clients embrace the new age, when so many opportunities abound?

Cuthbert says the agency is using an approach of testing and partnership.

“How do we create mass personalisation?,” he asks. “We are working in very specific teams, we are putting  number of different specialists… a search specialist working with a programmatic specialist of traditional TV specialist … to understand what signals we’re seeing and what message and content needs to happen there, across the entire journey a user has with a brand.”

Cuthbert says there are so many channels and options through which a brand can now reach consumers – but it is important that campaigns do not dwell on campaign key performance indicators (KPIs). Rather, it is imperative brands and their agencies focus on the end outcomes, like sales.

“The important thing is not to get caught up in the metrics as key KPIs but to use those as levers to tweak,” Cuthbert says.

This video was produced as part Beet.TV’s coverage of CES 2017 presented by 605.  For more videos from the series, please visit this page.