Trump’s Campaign Success Has Lessons For Marketers, comScore’s Livek

MIAMI — He famously under-spent his rival on TV ads, making greater hay from late-night tweets and sometimes outlandish monologues.

So does Donald Trump’s eventual election suggest a crisis in TV ad effectiveness?

When the most important political period in US democracy turns back the clock on what had been accelerating ad spend, is it time for another playbook?

One ad measurement exec says TV is still relevant – it’s just becoming a part of a new, multi-layered execution environment..

“Well I think there’s going to be another book written,”says Bill Livek, the former Rentrak CEO who joined comScore’s executive vice chairman in the recent merger of the TV and digital measurers.  He now serves as president.

“One of the two candidates, the one that prevailed here in the election, used a lot of these disciplines. That candidate spent a lot less, but he was very selective in what he did.

“I think there’s a lot of lessons to be learned that the combination of what we have digitally, socially, and with television now is working together in this ecosystem.

“I don’t think we clearly comprehend as marketers how fluidly it works with the consumer. We’re clearly still a believer in traditional television because of its mass reach, but we’re also big believers that the future is around the advanced targeting on all the different platforms.”

This interview was conducted at Beet Retreat 2016: The Transformation of Television Advertising, an executive retreat presented by Videology with AT&T AdWorks and the 605. Please find more videos from the event here.

This interview was conducted by Matt Prohaska, CEO of Prohaska Consulting.