Data-Driven Campaigns Demand Automation, Horstman Says

MIAMI –The possibilities are endless, the data-points are infinite and opportunities to reach consumers abound.

You want to allocate human staff to run all that? Good luck, says AudienceXpress‘s Walt Horstman – this level of complexity, in the new TV ad ecosystem, needs a fallback to code.

“You apply an advanced dataset that is looking at … the audience impressions against each one of those individual nets and day parts,” he says.

“We’ve got a grid now of 1,200 different opportunities. That is impossible to execute against without having true type automation.

“So, if we are moving into this world of data-driven campaigns, we must have that automation … to make it easier.”

By now, many advertisers and buying agencies are used to using systems that automate the targeting and delivery of online ads.

TV, by virtue of being an upfront-old ad channel, remains an edge case, however. And Horsman sees the pain points.

AudienceXpress’ web-based platform aims to let ad buyers manage campaigns, get reports, optimize details and automate delivery.

“Agencies are struggling to work across all the channels that they are now dealing with, and so they can’t afford to continue to do a lot of these manual processes,” he says. “There has to be ease of use.”

This interview was conducted at Beet Retreat 2016: The Transformation of Television Advertising, an executive retreat presented by Videology with AT&T AdWorks and the 605. Please find more videos from the event here.

This interview was conducted by Furious Corp CEO Ashley J. Swartz.