Advanced TV’s National Evolution: MODI’s Bologna

MIAMI — Addressable? Advanced? The way that television advertising is bought, targeted, sold and measured is changing.

The new connection of TVs and TV boxes to the internet is offering up household-level targeting, when ads are fuelled by smart data sets.

In this panel video interview at Beet Retreat 2016, Group M’s MODI Media president Mike Bologna, whose company is working in the emerging space, talks about how things are panning out.

“We all know that that business is developing and it’s building and we’re about half of every US TV household has that capability, and that’s great,” he says.

“You wind the clock back 18 months and you ask an advertiser who they want to reach, and they’ll look you straight in the eye and say adults 18-49. That’s pretty stupid. That’s changing.”

It’s not just targeting that is changing, however. Advanced TV is also getting plugged in to sales data, to show advertisers something approaching the ultimate ROI.

“When the campaign’s over and you tie it back to sales,” Bologna adds. “That’s the beauty of addressable television: if you execute it properly, meaning you get the target right, you pay the right price, and you measure it properly, you will show a higher return on ad spend than most national initiatives.

This interview was conducted at Beet Retreat 2016: The Transformation of Television Advertising, an executive retreat presented by Videology with AT&T AdWorks and the 605. Please find more videos from the event here.

This interview was conducted by Furious Corp CEO Ashley J. Swartz.