FreeWheel’s Council Aims To Unify Cross-Screen Lexicon, Rothwell Says

MIAMI — “Multi-screen”, “converged”, “transmedia”, or “platform-neutral”? The number of ways you could describe the new challenge of reaching consumers across multiple devices is mindboggling.

But one word is inarguable – “complex”. That’s why the FreeWheel Council for Premium Video, a collection of video providers advocating alongside the video ad-tech vendor, is aiming to stitch back together a fragmented landscape.

The outfit just put together the first of three position pieces examining how to achieve a unified approach.

“We need to first establish what is the language we’re going to be using to describe this challenge,” FreeWheel agency and brand relations VP James Rothwell tells Beet.TV in this video interview. “‘Multi-platform’, ‘convergence’, ‘fluidity’ – there are hundreds of terms and it depends on who you are.

“Let’s align on what we mean when we say these things. Let’s think about different measurement and targeting techniques, currency windows, associated with the linear and digital sides of the house, and figure out how we then unify measurement to tie it all back together again.”

Dynamics are already shifting fast within this multi-dimensional landscape. According to its latest Video Monetization Report, desktop ad view growth has now flattened out, with most growth coming from mobile and over-the-top video devices.

The latter are now making up almost a quarter of ad views on FreeWheel’s publisher network, which Rothwell says accounts for the majority of the premium video ecosystem.

This interview was conducted by Furious Corp CEO Ashley J. Swartz for Beet.TV.

This interview was conducted at Beet Retreat 2016: The Transformation of Television Advertising, an executive retreat presented by Videology with AT&T AdWorks and the 605. Please find more videos from the event here.