ORLANDO — The corporate media world may be stuck in pending regulatory approval of AT&T’s proposed acquisition of Time Warner. But that isn’t stopping Time Warner’s Turner from pressing ahead in to the future of advertising.
Turner is fresh from winning ANA Genius Award for analytics science, as it looks to innovate on how advertisers can take advantage of the changing face of TV.
“We can use data and analytics to help identify the audience,” Turner client strategy and ad innovation EVP Michael Strober tells Beet.TV in this video interview. “More importantly, we can now use data to help inform which is the right creative message to be targeted to that individual.”
AT&T has said its combination with Turner would create a company with customer insights across TV, mobile and broadband; offering more relevant and valuable addressable advertising that can innovate with ad-supported content models.
But Turner has already been working on some tricks of its own. “We’re working with our social partners, where we can do a lot of A/B testing, and help them map that back to our own audiences across our portfolio,” Strober adds.
“We have a capability that we built internally called Launchpad that allows us to span the entire digital and social universes and test custom audience segments that the creative resonates with. We take that insight and find where those audiences are across our linear portfolio.”
One of the biggest challenges with customizing TV ads for countless individual viewers is making enough video assets to assemble together in to myriad permutations. That doesn’t come cheap, especially if you are looking to produce the kind of quality TV viewers are used to.
The answer is still being worked out – but demand for an answer appears to be growing.
“Our clients don’t have unlimited budgets. How do you scale?,” Strober says. “I don’t think we’ve cracked the code on that yet. In linear television, it’s not as easy. But we do believe dynamic creative versioning is something a lot of clients are thinking about.”
The ANA Genius Awards aim to recognize the best, brightest, most innovative and most impactful work in marketing analytics today.
We interviewed at the ANA Masters of Marketing annual meeting in Orlando. This video is part of a series produced at the conference. Beet’s coverage is sponsored by Cadent. For more videos from the series, please visit this page.