Xaxis’ Bidon Sees Dynamic TV Ads Coming into Focus

COLOGNE — TV has always traded on showing a single ad to as large an audience as possible. But the medium is being turned on its head. Pretty soon, advertisers will be using it to show thousands of different ads to individual audiences of just one.

When exactly that will happen is anyone’s guess. But “no time soon” is a sharp estimate. After all, the tactic will require not just connected TV screens but also reworking the whole way in which TV ads are made, targeted and sold.

Still, that future is telescoping in to view, says Nicolas Bidon, the EMEA region CEO of WPP’s Xaxis programmatic unit.

“It’s a slow-burning love affair, but we’re definitely making progress,” Bidon tells Beet.TV in this video interview.”

Bidon recognizes the challenges. “How do we scale the production of creative assets that we can dynamically assemble at the time of rendering based not he data we have?,” he asks.

But things are looking up. “We’ve made a lot of progress over the last six months on both sides,” Bidon reckons. “We’re starting to have the technology to bridge those two worlds together. Everybody wants more relevant ads.”

This interview was taped at DMEXCO ’16. It is part of a video series of industry leaders. The series is sponsored by Videology. For more Beet.TV coverage of DMEXCO, please visit this page.