Videology Boosts Demographic Targeting With Publisher Data

In a world where TV ad-buying is also moving online, the future of trading is evolving toward digital measurements.

On that basis, one video ad-tech vendor says it is helping bring the traditional and oft-derided criteria of audience demographics in to the digital age.

Videology says it recently improved its ability to help advertisers target audiences using demographic, by harnessing data about those audiences from publishers themselves.

“We’ve worked with many different publishers to create the equivalent of a census approach to individual users – their age and gender,” Videology CEO Scott Ferber tells Beet.TV in this video interview.

Ferber says the updated Videology tech involves tapping in to anonymized consumer registration data from the publishers it integrates with.

And that is moving the needle, resulting in “better prediction for in-demo guarantees” and “phenomenal” results, he says, especially as judged by two of the leading emergent measurement standards.

  • comScore Validated Campaign Essentials (vCE): “We’re achieving up to 98% in-demo coverage, which is amazing.”
  • Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings: “We’re improving the in-demo percentage by 2x relative to other in-demo providers.”

In Videology’s press release, representatives of both companies praise Videology for improving the opportunity.