Advertisers Want Google, Facebook Alternative: Rubicon’s Patz

CANNES — For the last couple of months, a big number has been rattling around the media industry – “85 cents of every new dollar spent in online advertising will go to Google or Facebook”, a Morgan Stanley analyst observed in The New York Times.

The two big platforms are super-dominant when it comes to ad spend. And that is causing some advertisers to seek out independent alternatives of scale.

“Many of them say to me, ‘we want a great independent partner that isn’t Facebook and Google’,” according to Harry Patz, chief revenue officer of Rubicon Project, the advertising automation platform.

“If you look at Facebook, Google and other publicly-traded ad-tech companies, we’re in the top two.”

Pats joined in April and has combined Rubicon’s global sales officers in to one team to lead the charge as an independent torch-bearer.


This video was produced  by Beet.TV at the Rubicon Project’s Rooftop Summit on Automated Advertising at Cannes Lions 2016.   The series is sponsored by the Rubicon Project.   For more videos from the series, please visit this page.