New NAB Group Aims To Wrestle Back TV Data Measurement

A new world is coming in to view, in which TV broadcasters will be able to help ad buyers target viewers more precisely. The only problem, TV broadcasters may not be in the picture.

That’s why the US industry’s umbrella body, the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), is convening members to gain control.

For the NAB Show at Las Vegas this week, the organization has tabled a Digital Summit, including assembling a board to tackle the issue.

“We believe … these opportunities are about to be unlocked,” Operative CEO and founder Lorne Brown, who has been named the NAB’s share of Digital Summit, tells Beet.TV in this video interview.

“The problem is, there is no measurement available that governs these kinds of things beyond Nieslen and comScore – there is no standard of rat use of data across TV screens in a single ad buy,” Brown adds.

“Aggregators and ad-tech and other non-TV companies are the ones defining all these measurements and new currencies. That has to stop – many of these initiatives around measurement are not in the interest of TV companies themselves. We’ve created a board and we’re going to take this issue head-on.”

He is talking about rich set-top box data and the ability to reinsert cable TV ads across other screens. NBC recently announced the ability to target linear viewers using set-top box data, for instance.

Brown says marketers are “craving” data-based TV and multi-screen buying.

We interviewed him as part of our series on the need for standards around premium video advertising.  The series was produced around the NAB Digital Summit in Las Vegas.  This series on Beet.TV is sponsored by the NAB.