Mobile Consumers Want Quick, Visual Content: Facebook’s Dugan

VIEQUES, PR — Just three years ago, only 20% of Facebook’s business came from mobile platforms. Last Q4, that was 80%.

That’s testament to the changes Facebook is having to make to ensure it continues connecting with audiences. But the same goes for advertisers who use the network, according to Facebook global agency lead Dave Dugan.

“Advertisers who can communicate with consumers on those terms are more inclined to do better than those that don’t,” he tells Beet.TV in this video interview:

  • “People are using much more photos in content, a lot of emojis and stickers. (In) an … Instagram comment, on average, 40% now use at least one emoji.”
  • “On average, we’ve found that people on mobile News Feed spend 1.7 seconds looking at each Post, vs. 2.5 seconds on desktop.
  • “We really need to make advertisers how to engage with consumers in video content. The first three seconds are extremely important to engage a user. Forty-five percent of those will go all the way to 30 seconds.”

Dugan was summarizing research Facebook and Twitter published through AdAge on the topic of mobile consumption this month.

This video was produced at the Beet.TV executive retreat presented by Videology.  You can find more videos from the session here.