Nielsen Onboarding TAM As Measurement Wars Heat Up

PALM SPRINGS – After comScore’s merger with Rentrak to combine multi-platform media measurement, it’s over to you, Nielsen.

Ad agency Group M chairman Irwin Gotlieb last year told Beet.TV media measurement is broken because measurers are using the wrong yardstick in the multi-screen era.

So last year Nielsen launched Total Audience Measurement, a way to apply its Total Content Ratings to viewing across all screens.

Nielsen product leadership SVP David Wong tells Beet.TV that, after a couple of quarters, the system is now “in an onboarding phase” – seeking customers to come aboard, reporting that viewing.

“Over the next few months, the platforms will light up,” Wong says.

“Video is where all the growth is going to come in the future,” he adds. “That’s where Nielsen is focusing all our efforts to solve … complete, total audience video measurement – measuring video regardless of how it’s distributed, how it’s consumed, how it’s monetized, and to be able to do this in a consistent way with a comparable methodology across all these platforms.

“We have measurement for everything that shows up on the TV glass… all DVR viewing, VOD viewing, even over-the-top platforms… the problem we’re solving right now is, how do we bring in the digital part from computer and mobile devices?”

We conducted this interview last month at the IAB Annual Leadership Meeting.