Internet Advertising will Overtake TV by 2018: ZenithOptimedia’s Barnard Predicts

LONDON — Two big tipping points are coming in to view that will crown two decades of analog to digital advertising evolution.

  • We think internet advertising will overtake TV for the very first time in 2018,” ZenithOptimedia forecasting head Jonathan Barnard tells Beet.TV in this video interview. The move will be thanks to the growth in paid search.
  • Within digital, mobile advertising, growing at 32% per year, will overtake desktop in the same year, to represent 50.2% of all internet advertising, according to ZenithOptimedia’s latest Advertising Expenditure Forecasts.

“TV consumption is on the decline … by about 2% a year,” Barnard adds. “Online video is compensating for this – consumption is rising by about 22% a year. (So), overall consumption of audiovisual advertising is slightly on the increase.”

ZenithOptimedia says television remains the best brand-building medium. The forecast also expects:

  • Programmatic will comprise 60% of all digital display in 2016, growing 34% in 2016.
  • Audiovisual advertising will account for a record 48.4%of display advertising in 2015, up from 44.1% in 2010.
  • Digital editions will help magazine publishers increase total ad revenues by 1.8% next year.

Interpublic Group’s Magna Global made as similar prediction on the growth of digital.  Here is the report in The New York Times.

We interviewed Barnard in London earlier this week for our series “The Road to CES” — our preview of trends and topics to be discussed in January in Las Vegas.  For more videos from the series, please visit this page.   The series is sponsored by YuMe.