Creativity Must Meet Math In Tomorrow’s Ads: Vonage’s Szumowski

These days, marketers have copious data at their fingertips and can target and sequence advertising with mathematical precision. But where’s the fun in that?

“Sometimes, you’ve just got to wing it; sometimes, it’s about gut,” says Vonage media VP Kathryn Szumowski.

She believes programmatic advertising technology can enable more, not less, creative advertising.

“We want to bring the creatives in to the conversation much sooner,” she adds. “We have to get there at some point. Effective content is going to come from the placement, the message and the journey that you’re taking.”

And Vonage has partnered with FlashTalking to dynamically service different ads based on consumer behaviours learned from across the internet.

“We are exploring that … it’s certainly something we want to do more of … and getting great learnings from it,” Szumowski says.

That allows us to deliver dynamic creative based on behaviours from across the internet.

She was questioned by Tobi Elkin.

This video is from Media Future Conversations 2015: Unblocked – Valuing Human Attention In A Content-Driven World, an event presented by true[X] in association with Beet.TV  Please find more event videos here.