Addressable TV Is Here, Now And Small: IPG’s Bayer

For the last couple of years, the industry has been getting excited about the possibility to target individual homes via TV with the surgical precision of the internet. But so-called “addressable TV” is no longer far away.

“A third of the United States right now is lit up for household-addressable advertising,” according to ad group IPG’s advanced TV SVP Matt Bayer. “You can buy programatically television at nearly 100 million homes. it’s here, it’s now – it’s not 2020 talk it’s 2015 talk.

For Bayer, the value of addressability is specificity. He says he can move his advertiser clients away from targeting consumers on demography and toward something more strategic.

Still, despite the promise, very few advertisers are yet harnessing the opportunity. Bayers says only 1% to 2% of brand advertiser budget is being put in to addressable-TV ads.

Program Note:  Bayer will be featured speaker at the upcoming Beet Retreat on addressable TV advertising.

This video is part of the series Programmatic Video at a Turning Point, presented by SpotX. You can find additional videos from the series here.