It’s Not TV Or Digital, It’s Video: AT&T AdWorks’ Dunsche

In the age of media proliferation, walls between established media types are collapsing.

Nowhere more so than in moving images. Where, once, online video was seen as an entirely separate channel from TV, the emergence of multi-faceted screens and cross-screen planning and buying is forcing redefinition.

“It’s not TV, digital or mobile – now people are talking about it more broadly as video across platforms,” says AT&T AdWorks marketing VP Maria Mandel Dunsche, in this interview with Beet.TV. “How you buy (advertising on) that is changing … to buying more of a format across platforms.”

AT&T finally closed its $49 billion acquisition of satellite television provider DirecTV this summer, following regulatory clearance, giving it the ability to deliver ads in to these screens.

“It only took 14 months!,” Dunsche jests. “The merger is finally complete. The future of delivering entertainment content on any screen the consumer wants it on is exciting. But from an advertiser perspective … AT&T Adwords now post-acquisition is in an incredible spot where we have the opportunity to become the leader in cross-platform advertising.”

We spoke with her last month at an event about the future of addressable TV presented by AT&T AdWorks in association with Beet.TV  Please find more videos here