How Brands Can Reach Rivals’ Audience via The Second Screen

This year, all the hot advertising talk is about the linking of planning, targeting and buying for TV ads and ads on handheld internet devices.

For TV viewers distracted by touchscreens during commercial breaks, Teletrax has been gaining attention for allowing brands that are advertising on the living room big screen to also buy ads on social media at exactly the same moment. But the potential doesn’t just stop at this in-brand synchronization.

“The lowest hanging fruit has been the simulcast – knowing when there is a television commercial for Audi on the first screen and executing that similar commercial on the second,” according to Teletrax sales and strategic partnerships VP Joe Krokus.

“More and more brands, though, are looking at ‘switchers’ – individuals that don’t necessarily belong strictly to them.

“If there is an ad for Audi on TV, BMW would want to know that and want to execute on the second screen, across social, display, search and now, of course, across TV.”

Teletrax was acquired by Chicago-based 4C Insights to beef up its multi-screen ad offerings late last month.


This interview is part of a series of videos leading up to the DMEXCO conference in Cologne. The series is presented by 4C + Teletrax.