Ad Tech Is Not ‘One-Size-Fits-All’: Carat’s Jarvie

CANNES — In the ad tech arms race, a plethora of platforms claims to be “full-service”, “end-to-end”, or “full-stack”. But their dream of providing the entire solution to agencies and buyers may be wide of the mark – more likely, customers like to mix and match the tools they use.

“There’s no one-size-fits-all,” Carat Global executive director Euan Jarvie says in this recorded panel debate from Cannes Lions.

“Technology … has got a lot of headlines and interest right now, probably for a lot of the wrong reasons.

“We haven’t pinned our tail to one particular donkey. We look to have a hybrid model. There are many routes to get to the answer. There’s a plethora of data, but it’s not about that – it’s about ensuring you can capture knowledge and use it quickly.”

Carat’s Dentsu unit won 21 Lions awards in Cannes, and is behind one of the year’s most popular ads, for Adidas.


This video is part of a series produced from the TubeMogul Cannes rooftop event.  Please find additional videos from the series here.