Partnership Is Fuel For Creativity: MediaLink’s Kassan

Call it alchemy, call it a meeting of minds, but marrying up seemingly-disparate disciplines it the key to unlocking business growth. So says one of the leaders of cross-disciplinary media consultancy MediaLink.

“Partnership is what makes this world go around,” according to CEO Michael Kassan. “You need people who are growing toward the same goals. One shop does not fit all anymore. You have to find people to work with.

“The best partnership out there is … the idea and the technology. The idea is central, but if you can understand how to get those ideas in to the mainstream faster using technology … when precision is so available … you need that partnership.”

Kassan is so enamored with the transformational potential of partnerships, MediaLink recently hosted the Partnership Awards at the 4As’ (American Association of Advertising Agencies) Transformation 2015 event in Austin. Winners included triumvirates of Motorola, Razorfish and Wired, and Nissan, OMD and

Kassan was interviewed by Beet.TV at the 4As’ (American Association of Advertising Agencies) Transformation 2015 event in Austin, Texas. Our coverage is sponsored by Videology. Please find more coverage from the conference here.