Black Arrow See Dynamic Ad Insertion Appetite Grow

NAPA, CA — The TV industry may move from selling in-stream ads upfront to inserting them in real-time, if Chris Hock gets his way. Hock’s Black Arrow helps cable companies dynamically insert ads in to streamed programming.

“Through the third quarter of this year, we’ve seen a 250% growth over impressions from last year,” says Hock, the company’s product management and marketing SVP. “We’re talking about billions of impressions. We’re really starting to see scale.”

The company began by powering this feature for operators’ time-shifted programming, then also began supporting live linear dynamic ad insertion. Now it is also courting content owners, who increasingly want to strike deals to benefit from ad-sales within their shows as VOD, even when offered via a cable company, Hock says.

Black Arrow recently opened a London office and an Amsterdam data center to support European expansion.

We spoke with him recently at the TubeMogul partner meeting.  For more videos from the event, please visit this page.