Ooyala Buying Videoplaza To Enhance Video Advertising Breadth

They are two of the best-known names in online video service provision – and now they are coming together as one. Video streaming service Ooyala, itself now owned by Australian telco Telstra, is acquiring its video advertising peer Videoplaza.

The buying company says the deal “allows Ooyala to tap into the fast-growing video ad market”, “the first step in a multi-step strategy aimed at establishing global leadership in personalized cloud TV and video”. For Stockholm-based Videoplaza, it is an opportunity to improve its US footprint.

Speaking at IBC Show in Amsterdam recently, Videoplaza‘s director David Muehle told Beet.TV, in this video interview, that programmatic advertising for online video is catching up to the evolution of programmatic in display.

Whilst the pair will continue to operate under their own names for name, Ooyala will begin offering the combined service offering in due course.