COLOGNE — Many were initially wary at so-called “programmatic” ad-trading techniques’ first incarnation – real-time bidding. But acceptance of ad ops automation represented by programmatic at large is growing from a small silo in media agencies to widespread favor, says one of the largest programmatic ad tech vendors.
“You need to look at the organisational structure of the media owner and the organisational structure of the ad holding company and understand how both of those entities are re-architecting to come together around automation,” Rubicon Group’s marketplace development SVP Jay Sears tells Beet.TV in this recorded video interview with with Ashley J. Swartz, CEO of Furious Corp, at DMEXCO.
“Automation was germinated inside the holding company entity in the trading desk – if you go back to the early days, they were only folks that knew anything about automation. But the ad holding company execs eventually figured out over the last couple of years, automation can also be a very profitable exercise versus some of the planning and buying processes that have been under severe compression.”
This video is part of series of videos covering DMEXCO. Please find all of our coverage of the show right here.