Quality Supply Holds Back Video Advertising: Videology’s Eisenstein

COLOGNE, Germany — Online video advertising won’t boom until better quality video content exists to encourage TV advertisers in to the medium, according to a video ad tech platform exec.

“There are various factors holding us back,” Videology global media director Jana Eisenstein said during a Beet.TV session produced at DMEXCO, moderated by Ashley J. Swartz..

“Privacy is still one. Understanding how to commercialize the data is the biggest one. The good news is, publishers are actually starting to jump in and understand how they can value this data.

“The biggest impact is supply – we’re quality supply-constrained in the market. TV brand advertisers require a certain level of content.”

This video is part of series of videos covering DMEXCO.  Please find all of our coverage of the show right here.  Beet.TV’s coverage of DMEXCO is sponsored by Videology.