Quality Is Key For Branded Content: News Corp’s Chopra

Brands can win an audience for articles and videos they made, even in newspaper websites – if their material is worth consuming, according to a news group executive.

Asked why users would consume content made by brands in vehicles designed to convey the news of the day, News Corp SVP and video head Rahul Chopra said: “To be frank, most people don’t. A lot of the content being created for brands is not very good.”

But Chopra tells Beet.TV in this video there is a way toward success: “What we’re starting to see is brands understanding they need to invest heavily in creating high-quality content around topics that are interesting.”

He held up Netflix’s sponsored content for its Orange Is The New Black series on The New York Times as an example of quality branded content.

Chopra was interviewd by Beet.TV executive producer Andy Plesser at the Beet.TV video advertising summit on “outstream” advertising presented by Ebuzzing & Teads.  Please find more videos from that event here.