Mail Online Aims To ‘Radically’ Increase Original Video Production

The world’s biggest newspaper website intends to start making more digital video of its own, to satisfy advertiser demand for more premium inventory.

“We produce 900 stories a day ,” says Mail Online’s North America sales VP Matt Kaplan in this video. “Maybe 20% of those pages has a video on it. About 2% result in a video play.

“We’d like to radically increase the amount of video we’re publishing. Most of our video has been clips – we’re going to get much more involved in original video production.”

Video is one of three main ad formats, alongside native and high-impact display, Kaplan wants Mail Online to double down on. To commercialize video, Kaplan wants to use out-stream and rich-media units, as well as pre-rolls.  He notes that rich video display can appear on nearly every page of the site, while pre-roll can only be served on the pages with a player

Kaplan interviewed on stage by Beet.TV executive producer Andy Plesser at the Beet.TV video advertising summit on “outstream” advertising, presented by Ebuzzing & Teads.  Please find more videos from that event here.