BBC Research: Mobile Is Best Device To Reach Affluent Consumers

LONDON — Research commissioned by BBC Worldwide shows the top 20% highest earners are fully engaged and readily reachable by mobile advertisers.

“Senior executives – do they look at their mobile phones all the time? The answer is ‘yes’,” says Tom Bowman, VP Global Strategy & Sales Operations, BBC Worldwide.

“Amongst affluent consumers groups, the mobile device turns out to be the device which is strongest at changing position of brand favourability. If you had an absolutely brand new mobile device, you are twice as likely to be impacted than if you just had an old smartphone.”

On his way to the the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, Bowman says: “The creative possibility of technology are getting better. There’s a whole lot of companies coming to Cannes to engage with agencies in a way they hadn’t before.”

We spoke with Stark as part of our series titled “The Road to Cannes,” a preview of the Festival and an overview on the state and future of digital media by a range of thought leaders. The series will be published over the next four weeks.  The series is sponsored by Videology.