Innovid’s Chalozin: Ad Buyers Are Moving to Cross-Platform Investment

While the online media landscape is highly fragmented , some in the advertising chain are beginning to piece to overcome the disparate ecosystem by taking advantage of platforms that put technology niceties in the background, says one vendor.

“It is a very fragmented market,” interactive video ad tech firm Innovid‘s co-founder and CTO  Tal Chalozin tells Beet.TV.

“We do see a lot of buyers that are buying in to that dream of complete cross-screen – buying video (across devices) and not buying ‘online video’ or buying ‘mobile video’ or buying ‘connected TV’. We have upward of 100 different brands using our technology to run full  cross-screen (campaigns) without siloing on a specific device.”

He was interviewed at the BrightRoll Video Summit. You can find more coverage of the BrightRoll summit here.