Live Video Management Moves To The Cloud: iStreamPlanet’s Babic

LAS VEGAS — Take more than one video management software suite in to the shower? Now a new breed of company wants to wrap them all in to one package.

One such outfit is Las Vegas-based iStreamPlanet, which just announced it will use Microsoft’s Azure cloud hosting to locate its product offering that runs software components of the video encoding and distribution workflow in a “virtual” computer in the sky.

“We built this complex workflow all in to the software and designed it to work in a virtualized environment,” CEO Mio Babic tells Beet.TV. “We have taken all the complexity out. In live, there’s no room for error – if you miss that 15 seconds, you might miss that touchdown.”

We interviewed him at the NAB Show, where our coverage was presented by Adobe Primetime.  Please find more video reports from the show here.