TouchCast Aims To Boost Video Numbers And Quality

Today online there is not enough quality video to satisfy advertisers’ demands. TouchCast, a startup co-founded by former TechCrunch editor Erick Schonfeld, is aiming to change that.

“The editing bay is very much a bottleneck for large-scale video production,” he tells Beet.TV. “You can’t make enough video, even if you tripled your staff.

“If I can arm reporters or brands with a base level of quality, I can multiply by five or 10 the number of video producers in my organization – that answers the scale and cost question.”

TouchCast -the TouchPad app and desktop version lets producers put web content in to video windows. Used currently in the education sector, Schonfeld says this year he will take the wraps off the next customer category – broadcast and print media companies that have been testing the service.

Schonfeld was interviewed by Beet.TV founder  Andy Plesser at Beet.TV’s annual executive retreat in Vieques, Puerto Rico.