Starcom’s Kienast: Connected Home Will Rocket Mobile Advertising

Just a couple of years ago, mobile advertising barely figured on agencies’ radars. Now it’s front-and-center – and set fora bright future as the Internet Of Things blurs the line between utility and marketing, says one exec.

“Mobile never had a seat at the table, I wasn’t even included in upfront conversations,” Starcom Worldwide’s SVP and director of mobility, Erin Kienast, tells Beet.TV. “Now, I’m the first seat at the table. Within my CPG brands, 0.54% of total dollars invested in the upfront was mobile; now we’re close to 10% – that’s under three years.”

So, mobile advertising has been realized in formats that advertisers might expect. But advertising is set to take on whole different forms, thanks to mobile in the connected home, Kienast reckons.

“For a CPG client, think of your washer-dryer, your refrigerator,” she says. “If you have your (laundry) pods and you’re almost running out – how do I trigger the consumer via a message, “You’re running out, click to purchase’?”

Kiencast was interviewed by TouchCast co-founder Erick Schonfeld at Beet.TV’s annual executive retreat in Vieques, Puerto Rico.