Tremor’s Wesly: Interactive Video Ads Beat TV Ads

Confidence in the effectiveness of TV ads is relatively stable, and big brands seem satisfied. But online ad tech vendor Tremor Video thinks it can improve on that effectiveness, regardless.

New York-headquartered Tremor offers advertisers its service that improves short online video pre-roll ads, which typically get shovelled from linear TV ad slots, with interactive rollovers and other enhancements.

“We saw an 8% lift between people who just watch the ad and increase intent to purchase, versus people who watched it and engaged with it,” Tremor’s market strategy head Doron Wesly tells Beet.TV at the Consumer Electronics Show.

Wesly says typical intent to purchase amongst viewers of TV ads for national brands comes in around 2%.

“We want to see if there’s a honeymoon phase or if it’s something we can sustain with technology. So far, it’s been relatively stable,” he adds.