Research: IPG Zeroes In On Tablet Video Users

NEW YORK – The results of research which has indicated strong characteristics in favor of tablet video were obtained using techniques cut from tablets’ own cloth.

IPG Media Lab’s research for YuMe found tablet users are most likely not to multi-task whilst watching video.

“We had a very large sample size of about 8,300 people,” the research firm’s consumer research strategy VP Kara Manatt said, disclosing the methodology during a round-table presentation of the work.

“The test was weaved in to the typical user experience for the device. We actually recruited people on the test devices. We also recruited them at the specific times of day that they are viewing this video.”

That means this piece of research is more likely than many to have found true behaviors from tablet users.

But IPG Media Lab didn’t stop there. “Afterwards, we did webcam interviews – we wanted to add a qualitative component to the test. We got great footage from them of what their environments look like when they consume video content.”

Here’s some analysis of the study by Daisy Whitney writing on Mediapost.

You can download this report here.

This is a segment from a series of videos produced at the YuMe Research Roadshow, sponsored by YuMe.