On a global level, Internet advertising continues to defy the world’s wider economic problems, growing in terms of both volume and its share of the global advertising pie. Internet advertising reached US$100.2bn in 2012, representing year-on-year growth of 17% and a 20% share of the global advertising market. Fuelled largely by substantial growth of the market in the developing world—although many of the developed markets will continue to see growth too—the market will reach US$185.4bn in 2017, a growth rate of 13% over the five-year forecast period. By that point, Internet advertising will take a 29% share of the total global ad market, making it the world’s second-largest advertising medium
Search remains the dominant form of online advertising globally, despite that its share dropped by two percentage points to 41% in 2017 (moving increasingly towards mobile and video advertising). Where Google is not the market leader—such as in Japan and South Korea—search tends not to be the dominant online advertising format.