Another Google(s goog) service has again been blocked in Russia. Part of the Blogspot weblog host has been added to the country’s new state “blacklist” of sites with prohibited content, reports Vedomosti.
The blocked IP address has nobbled Chrome browser fonts and plugins and is an especially wide ruling affecting the whole service for what is likely only a handful of alleged breaches. But could Google soon find the commercial sector, as well as the state, freezing it out of Russia… ?
The big portal, which has used Google to serve some of its search queries since 2009, will let that contract expire without renewal in February 2013, according to Russian newspaper Izvestia.
Right now, serves its own search results at home in Russia and uses Google to answer a remaining 40 percent of queries on its sites in other countries.
Citing unnamed sources, Izvestia says is now changing its mind having embarked on further globalisation using contextual advertising technology under its own steam. It is possible that is simply negotiating with Google. has not yet responded to paidContent’s request for comment.
A spokesperson tells paidContent: “This is press speculation, nothing more.”