Forecast: Internet will take more than a fifth of ad dollars by 2014

The internet will attract 16 percent more advertising dollars through 2013, while newspapers and magazines will lose two percent of their ad money, according to ZenithOptimedia’s latest forecast.

Created with Highcharts 3.0.7$USD millionAd spend by medium (ZenithOptimedia)NewspapersMagazinesTelevisionRadioCinemaOutdoorInternet201020112012201320140K50K100K150K200K250K

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The ad firm reckons global online advertising will comprise 21.4 percent of the whole by 2014 – up from 16 percent in 2011.

Within internet ads, ZenithOptimedia sees social media and video pushing a 20 percent growth in display ad sales, compared with a 14 percent boost to paid search ads.

The former is forecast to make up 40 percent of online ad sales by 2014.