Research: TV’s second screen is for talking, not browsing

More and more viewers are using companion devices whilst watching television. But new research suggests viewers are keener on some uses for those devices than others.

Twenty-four percent of viewers use a second device screen whilst watching TV, according to Deloitte’s UK survey of 2,000 people.

What are they doing with those devices?

Whilst nearly half of 16-to-24-year-olds use communication tools like email and social networks, only one in 10 of second-screeners browse the internet for information about the shows they are watching, Deloitte found.

This could suggest there is greater opportunity in second screens’ social dimension that in commerce and adjunct information.

Deloitte technology, media and telecoms director Paul Lee:

“Second screening’s impact is far greater in driving conversations about a programme, as opposed to interaction with it.

“The challenge for second screen content today is that it is likely to be relatively expensive as we are still in an experimental, bespoke phase.

“Every pound spent on second screen content may be a pound diverted from the first screen; in order to justify the investment content creators need to get the balance right between all screens.”