The newspaper industry frequently thanks emerging markets growth for the surprising quirk of global print circulation growth.
But now emerging markets, too, are becoming advanced online media markets.
In China, new research has found digital media eating in to print for Chinese’s preferred reading formats.
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The National Reading Survey conducted for the Chinese Academy of Press and Publication found those who say they preferred reading by newspaper declined by 3.7 percent in 2011, while that for magazines dipped 5.6 percent.
At the same time, online reading preference increased 11.1 percent, while readership on mobile phones grew 4.6 percent.
Some 27.6 percent of those surveyed said they preferred reading on their mobile phones. Newspapers still led the list with 63 percent.
Chinese newspaper circulation was forecast to grow 13.9 percent to more than 50 billion in 2010.
Separately, InMobi research claims that Taiwanese now spend more time with their mobile than watching TV.
Via DFDaily.