UK advertising buyers now say Spotify is the outlet they enjoy the best experience with.
In the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising’s (IPA) February Media Owner Survey of 259 respondents, Spotify toppled Specific Media’s four-year reign as the top-rated ad outlet amongst planners, strategists and buyers.
Spotify employs an army of ad sales staff at its London business headquarters, selling ads that can be targeted to geographic, demographic and other identifiers.
Spotify made almost a third of its 2010 money (£18 million) from advertising, though subscription is becoming more dominant in its revenue mix.
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IPA: “This is the first time in over three years that a new leader has emerged. Specific Media has slipped to fourth place as overall service levels improve and become more competitive”
Tribal Fusion and AOL (NYSE: AOL) also overtook Specific. Some 83.5 percent of respondents agreed: “My overall experience of dealing with this supplier (Spotify) is a good one.”
Of course, Spotify remains a far smaller advertising player than other ad networks and publishers in the survey, which take more money.
Sky Digital Media’s perception has improved most since the last survey in the autumn, IPC Media has declined most. Perception of The Guardian, Bauer and Yahoo (NSDQ: YHOO) also dipped by 10 percent or more.