With Facebook’s advertising fortunes taking off, one cog in that machine has become an M&A target. Social marketing platform operator Buddy Media has acquired Brighter Option, a Facebook advertising platform.
Brighter Option‘s technology lets agencies, including GroupM, Omnicom and Aegus, buy ads through the Facebook Ads API. The company is one of more than 20 which Buddy says it assessed over the last six months in its bid to buy in to this space.
Brighter Option claimed 291 advertisers in the last quarter, reaching 92.5 billion page impressions. In the same quarter, Facebook sold $943 million in advertising, according to its recent IPO filing – 44 percent more than a year earlier. But the space is nascent and even Facebook concedes many of its current customers are still only experimenting with formats.
Buddy Media’s tools are geared toward marketing conversations with consumers. Adding Brighter Option, with its self-serve SAM toolset, gives it the ability to let customers buy targeted ads as well as marketing engagement.
24/7 RealMedia was announced as a client for the combined offering along with the deal announcement.
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