Mobile phone networks, get your houses in order. Here is how much mobile data consumption is expected to grow in the next four years…
That is according to Cisco (NSDQ: CSCO) Systems’ Visual Networking Index data, republished in UK communications regulator Ofcom’s International Communications Market Report 2011.
UK users are the most data-hungry. In 2010, average monthly data consumption per customer jumped by 108 percent.
But that still only reached 268Mb per month. By 2015, Cisco forecasts that will grow 21-fold to hit 4Gb per month – almost double the U.S. data rate.
Most of the consumption comes form dongles connected to laptops, however.
By the time Cisco’s forecast becomes a reality, many networks, which have already been investing in bolstering their 3G networks, are expected to have 4G networks.