Everyone knows that Nokia’s Symbian always had little take-up in the U.S.. But, once upon a time, Nokia (NYSE: NOK) could count on a large user base in China.
Those days are over, according to Enfodesk and Analysys International…
Android overtook Symbian in China early in 2011. It’s been an almost total swap. Android is on a market-leading 58 percent versus Symbian’s 23 percent.
Android’s China share is around par with its U.S. share (46.3 percent in October, according to comScore).
The difference is that iPhone, which had 28.1 percent share in the U.S., is almost nowhere in China, just six percent. Symbian is still the second-placed OS in China and everyone else is basically a flat outlier.
None of this means Google (NSDQ: GOOG) is as dominant in China as the OS it created, however.