The UK’s leading commercial TV broadcaster, ITV (LSE: ITV), has issued a “rallying cry” for industry-wide harmonisation of ad targeting technologies, as it tries using new-wave ads to monetise its on-demand video ahead of a micropayments push.
ITV’s VOD success is finally now kicking in. Monthly long-form video views are 60 percent up from last year and, in the last few weeks during which X Factor has aired, are 95 percent up. Last year, ITV served a billion VOD pieces, compared with 350 billion TV impressions. The broadcaster is currently planning ways to extricate content payments from viewers.
Hazlitt did not elaborate on which barriers ITV has hit that led her to seek harmonisation of ad tech standards.
In early examples of such ads, ITV has run an Argos TV ad that asks viewers to find products featured in Emmerdale inside the retailer’s catalogue, and a quiz inside X Factor pre-roll ads that, when answered correctly, bring the ad to a halt and take viewers straight to the show.