Mail Online operator A&N Media is pulling a bold and unexpected move that has finally placed it ahead of market-leading Rightmove.
It is merging its Digital Property Group, which contains and, with independently-owned Zoopa. A&N will own 55 percent of the new-look group.
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Newspapers have been disintermediated by dedicated websites as classified advertising powerhouses in recent years. But the likes of DMGT and Trinity Mirror (LSE: TNI) have, over the years, bought up several jobs, cars, dating and homes classifieds websites to try retaining their position.
Chasing Rightmove, Zoopla had only just raised a further £1.75 ($2.75) million from its venture backers Atlas and Octopus and £1.5 ($2.35) million in debt from Silicon Valley Bank in December 2010 to fund marketing it hoped would push it ahead, saying: “We will continue to invest whatever it takes to build Zoopla into a household name.”
This is the latest consolidation in the space. Along the way, Zoopla has acquired,, and the PropertyFinder Group.