The Sun is understood to be ready to relaunch its Sun Online website in the next few days.
It is closing its five-year-old reader community MySun ahead of making changes to its core Sun Online, the publisher announced.
We will be watching any redesign for signs of required reader payments. Once indicated as required virtually wholesale across News Corp by Rupert Murdoch, News International has since downplayed the likelihood of content payments for Sun Online, despite The Times having introduced them in 2010.
From this Friday, MY Sun will be closing to make way for new services on
Launched in 2006, we aimed to provide a platform for our readers to have their say on stories and tell us what the nation thinks.
Since then, MY Sun has been bringing together people from around the world to debate and chat.
Members of MY Sun have discussed the biggest stories over the last five years and people have made new friends.
User accounts are being brought over to the main Sun website and previous comments from Sun articles will follow shortly.
Please note that the MY Sun forums, SunVote, user blogs, photo galleries and private messaging systems will no longer be available after Friday. If there’s content you wish to keep from those sections, please ensure you take a few moments to save these now.
If you have any queries regarding the changeover, please email
On behalf of the Community Team, I’d like to thank each and every one of you for your contributions over the years. We look forward to more great comments and opinions from our readers on The Sun online.
Daniel Jackson
Community Manager
MY Sun