“We plan to have a pay mechanism in place around the turn of the year so that we can test what people will pay for (online),” ITV (LSE: ITV) says in its half-year earnings report.
The UK’s leading commercial TV broadcaster is finding online video views (and their associated pre-roll ads) surging. But new CEO Adam Crozier also wants to reduce outright reliance on ads.
A test may be necessary – it’s as yet unclear that ITV online viewers, so used to free shows on TV, will pay for anything online. ITV also aims to charge through YouView.
— Online revenue is up by a third from last year to £16 million.
— ITV.com monthly uniques are up 19 percent from last year to 10.8 million.
— Long-form video views are up 64 percent to 180 million.
Company EBITDA jumped 45 percent to £240 million on four percent higher revenue of £1.027 billion.