Latest in the long line of consumer brands trying to leverage social media is Unilever, which is hoping a new mobile app to aggregate users’ social streams can make for a marketing campaign for one of its brands.
Lynx, the deodorant Unilever claims can help men pull supermodels, has released Lynx Stream, developed by Razofish, which can pull together Facebook statuses, tweets, photos, videos and location check-ins from a set timeframe.
The resulting aggregated stream gets a dedicated page and can be shared the morning after. Unilever reckons it “produces a record of unforgettable nights out”.
This is an example of marketers trying to leverage what existing social activity streams there are rather than invent their own social marketing tools entirely. No doubt, Lynx would like to use the best of them in its own future marketing.
Whether mobile users will really feel inclined to create a “record of unforgettable nights” is so far unproved. For one, all the existing social services Lynx Stream leverages naturally. Also – there are some nights out, particularly those enjoyed by Lynx customers, that should absolutely be forgotten.